Pharma Focus Asia

Previous Issue - Issue 05


Issue 05 | 2007

  • Foreword
  • Strategy
  • Research & Development
  • Clinical Trials
  • Manufacturing
  • Information Technology
  • Expert Talk
  • Go to Digital Magazine

Issue 05



Drug Discovery

Back to Mother Nature

After more than a decade of showing disinterest the pharma industry is taking a relook at natural productsbased drug discovery Pharma companies had shifted their focus from natural products to combinatorial chemistry because of lower costs clarity on intellectual property and importantly because it could supply huge synthetic libraries in short per...


Challenges for Pharmaceutical Sales Forces

Lessons from other Sectors

Sales force the main communication channel of the pharmaceutical industry faces many challenges lower perceived product differentiation great heterogeneity in the needs of customers and the value of customers to the company pressure to find more efficient communication channels restricted physician access tighter regulatory constraints the growing...

Liver Cancer Treatment in Asia

From little acorns

Increasing competition in the oncology space is heightening the importance of marketing competence and impacting decisions made long before a product enters the market Assuming proven favourable efficacy and toxicity across a number of potential areas choosing the right point of entry for a molecule is critical given that some indications will be s...

Generic to Innovative

Transition of Indian pharmaceutical companies

Not many people recall that India remained a net importer of pharmaceutical products until Table The s witnessed a marked departure and saw India emerging as a major supplier of generics to the world The situation changed rapidly thereafter By Indias exports grew tenfold to US million as against imports of US million generating a trade surplus...

International Strategic Alliances

Positioning the Asian biotechnology company

Strategic alliances and partnering between biotechnology companiesat all stages of their developmentand established pharmaceutical companies have characterised the biotechnology industry since its inception Many companies in the US and Europe have accumulated the experience in developing relationships executing transactions and delivering completed...

Research & Development

Natural Products in Drug Discovery

Natural products particularly microbial and plant products in their native form have been associated with mankind since ancient times These have played a vital role in the discovery of New Chemical Entities NCEs in the golden period of drug discovery Drugs derived from natural sources also served as drug leads suitable for optimisation by syntheti...

Getting to the Heart of a Tumour Cell

Targeting the nucleus

Despite billions of dollars spent on research every year cancer remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide Understanding of the molecular mechanisms underpinning many cancers has progressed rapidly but our ability to treat the disease remains limited Most cancer therapeutics rely upon the ability of the agent to eradicate tumour cells suc...

The Next Generation of Recombinant Immunotoxins

Reducing Immunogenicity of the Cytotoxic Part

Todays cancer drugs have considerable side effects caused by offtarget activity Various therapeutic concepts have been developed to improve drug specificity through the use of ligands that bind uniquely to cancer cells Immunotoxins comprise a cellspecific targeting component coupled to a plant or bacterial toxin and many such molecules have been ev...

Assessing the Immunogenicity of Protein Therapeutics

Most therapeutic proteins in clinical trials and on the market are to a variable extent immunogenic Formation of antidrug antibodies poses a risk that should be assessed during drug development as it possibly compromises drug safety and alters drug characteristics including pharmacokinetics and bioavailabilityThe immunogenicity risk assessment...

Automated Purification of Natural and Synthetic Compounds

Purification of compounds is often the ratelimiting step during the discovery of novel compounds In a typical discovery sequence chemistry can account for as much as percent of the total tasktime Automated flash chromatography systems allow unattended separation of both synthesized compounds and those isolated from natural sources freeing chemists...

Biomedical Polymers

Drug delivery and molecular imaging

During the last two decades significant advances have been made in the development of biocompatible polymers as the platform for drug delivery and molecular imaging The idea of using synthetic and natural biocompatible polymers as a platform to improve pharmacokinetics and delivery efficacy of small molecular therapeutic drugs is not new Biomedical...

Clinical Trials

Clinical Outsourcing in Japan

Ready to fulfill its Destiny?

Japan remains the second largest national market for pharmaceuticals at of the global marketas defined by IMS And yet there remain varying opinions about the status of Japans pharmaceutical industry Japans unique regulatory requirements are often cited as a particular cause of frustration by multinationals However the Japanese government has taken...

Clinical Trial Integration

Adopting an Innovative Approach

The number of solutions available to automate the clinical trials process is increasing at a fast pace with each solution providing a variety of targeted benefits to suit different requirements Often the same data point is imported into and processed by these different solutions affecting specific aspects of the clinical trials process in a similar...

Site Management Organisations in Asian Clinical Trials

Providing Competitive Advantage

Site Management Organisations SMOs frequently act as both partners and competitors in the conduct of clinical trials for Contract Research Organisations CROs and claim to show advantages over them to pharmaceutical companies Most effective is the integration of study site management in the classical CRO clinical services as it eases the communicati...

Clinical and Non-Clinical Investigations

Improving the quality of development candidates

The pharmaceutical industry continues to face challenges in improving its RD costeffectiveness Despite the steady increase in the RD expenditure in the US pharma industry over the past years from US billion to US billion the number of new products launched has decreased from in to in Price Waterhouse Coopers Pharma There is not a s


Manufacturing Control Systems

Inspired by the goals of optimising performance and providing paperless recordkeeping Process Control Systems PCS and Manufacturing Execution Systems MES have improved manufacturing operations for many pharmaceutical and biotech companies worldwide Fuelled by the adoption of industry standards and advances in technology these two systems are provid...

Advanced Emulsification Technologies

Narrow drop size distributions in the nanometer region

Typical devices for emulsification in industrial practice are for instance simple agitating rotorstator homogenizing or high pressure homogenizing Following is an overview on two stateofthe art emulsification technologies combined with handson experience from pharmaceutical and cosmetic applicationsAmong others the examples will comprise a nove...

Developing a Process Excellence Culture

A key question for business leaders focused on improving their results What is process excellence and why is developing a process excellence PE culture important to them and their organisation This question is critical irrespective of whether the organisation is a service provider or a product manufacturer Process excellence is engaging the entire...

Pharmaceutical Manufacturers

Embracing Lean Six Sigma

Today pharmaceutical manufacturers are focused as never before on reducing operational costs while ensuring compliance Cost pressures are increasingly acute as many pharmaceutical manufacturers see a dwindling product pipeline as well as greater competition from generics To ensure that their bottom lines remain solid pharmaceutical manufacturers ar...

Information Technology

Life Sciences Manufacturing

Promise of Service Oriented Architecture

For more than three decades life sciences manufacturers have been implementing shop floor data acquisition systems to automate their manufacturing processes and systems with the goal of increasing quality and lowering costsAs part of automation projects such as Computer Integrated Manufacturing CIM Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SCADA...
